Welcome to the new home of Instant Harmony, a creation of David Lasocki!
For Instant Harmony healing, see www.vibrationalhugs.com
To learn more about David Lasocki, see www.davidlasocki.com
Here you can read about all of Instant Harmony’s publications related to music—books, Essays, and editions of music—and purchase pdfs of them in our Store. You may also download almost all of David’s articles free.
Printed copies of all Instant Harmony’s books and Essays may be purchased through amazon.com and almost all other amazons around the world, including: amazon.com.au (Australia), amazon.ca (Canada), amazon.de (Germany), amazon.es (Spain), amazon.fr (France), amazon.in (India), amazon.it (Italy), amazon.jp (Japan), amazon.mx (Mexico), amazon.nl (Netherlands), and amazon.co.uk (United Kingdom). Editions are available only as pdfs.
Watch this space for a new way to buy printed copies in South America.
DAVID LASOCKI founded INSTANT HARMONY in Bloomington, Indiana in 2010. After he retired from his position as Music Reference Librarian in the Cook Music Library at Indiana University in 2011, he moved to Portland, Oregon and the company moved with him. In December 2021, he moved again, now to São Paulo, Brazil, where he and the company found a new home and a new partner, GIULIA TETTAMANTI.
At first, Instant Harmony was created to publish David’s own books and editions of music. In recent years, it has been expanding to embrace books, Essays*, and editions by other people, including Robert Ehrlich, Jake Feinberg, and Thiemo Wind. Many other publications, by David and others, are on the way. Watch out for them!
*An Essay is a new format between a long article and a short book on a single theme. It was created by Robert Ehrlich, who wrote the first one for Instant Harmony.
If you are interested in having a book or edition of music published by Instant Harmony, please send an email message to david@instantharmony.net