Rosier, Sonata in C minor (Babell ms., no. 7) for Alto Recorder and Basso Continuo. Score and double part. (pdf)

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Sku: 00177 Category: Editions


Carl Rosier, Sonata in C minor (Babell ms., no. 7) for Alto Recorder and Basso Continuo; with some help from Henry Purcell.

Edited by David Lasocki. Basso continuo realization by Bernard Gordillo. Published May 2012.

Score plus parts for (1) recorder and (2) violoncello or viola da gamba (IH0011).

Alternative version: score plus double part for recorder + bass instrument (IH0011a).

“Die Musik von Carl Rosier … erfreut sich nach einem längeren Dornröschenschlaf wieder steigender Beliebtheit…. Die Ausgaben sind sauber und gut lesbar ediert, mit informativen (englischem) Vorwort und einem knappen kritischen Bericht…..”
[The music of Carl Rosier … is again enjoying growing in popularity after a long Sleeping Beauty sleep…. The editions are cleanly and very readably edited, with infomative (English) preface and a concise critical report….]
Peter Gnoss, review in Tibia 38, no. 2 (2013): 456-57.